Will we need Treadmills in Heaven?

Treadmill comic


I’ve been working out the past few weeks and I’ve gotta say that exercise and I have a HUGE love/hate relationship. I like feeling strong and healthy, but I’m not a huge fan of consistent exercise and healthy eating (I love me some TV and a carton of Hershey’s Whoppers). Considering this, I’ve wondered today – “Will we need treadmills in Heaven?”

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The Dual Nature of Man

There is something higher than the animal life; namely, the spiritual realm where there is love, the divinest attribute of the human soul. There are also sympathy, kindness and other attributes. 5

There is something within [man] which urges him to rise above himself, to control his environment, to master the body and all things physical and live in a higher and more beautiful world. 6

“Chapter 2: The Dual Nature of Man,” Teachings of Presidents of the Church: David O. McKay, (2003)

Mormon Tabernacle Choir: Patriotic Flash Mob

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir decided to get a bit patriotic – flash mob style. Colonial Williamsburg visitors were treated to a flash mob performance by the 400 member Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

Marty Mears, a lifelong resident of the area, heard news of a special event and showed up.

“It was just a thrill to be among them,” she said. “I didn’t know it was the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. These people started singing. It was so beautiful. Now that I know who they were, I keep thinking, ‘Who would have thought I’d be surrounded by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir?’ What a thrill.”

-Read the entire story at Deseret News.

Watch out ABC . . . Here comes the Mormon Bachelorette!

The other night I happened to catch an episode of ABC’s The Bachelorette. Ashley is this season’s bachelorette and she happens to have issues getting over a past “relationship” (can we call it that?). Apparently the guy (Bentley) walked away (was this guy the former bachelor from a previous season and chose someone else over Ashley? still trying to put the pieces together). Oh no . . . I just saw a clip of them from a past season and all he could talk about was how good she looked in her pants and that he’d like her to “tickle his pickle”. Really?! ugh. She must have seen those episodes and clips. Does she not see the disrespect there? To help her move on, the producers are flying Bentley in to Hong Kong (the next destination of the show).

Is She Crazy?!?! Read the rest of this entry

Moments That Matter Most

It’s so hard to take time to do the things that matter most. . . . but the little things that matter most make the biggest difference.

For those who don’t know, I’m currently going to college while raising three small children. It’s often hard to balance the busy life of the kids’  school functions, homework, church, sports,while helping my husband with his business (every now and then), keeping up with my schooling and homework and so forth. I know you all understand this because you have super busy lives too. I try to do my stuff on my own time (homework, house chores, etc) but it’s often the case that I fall short of that and neglect the kids to do the other. On such occasions I quickly notice that arguing, crying, and sad children seem to live in my house.  I’ve found that if I just take a little time from what I’m doing to do the things that matter most – play and laugh with them – that things quickly turn around.

I’ve never regretted putting my stuff aside to be with them. Doing so not only makes them happy, but me as well. Taking the time to love them is a lot more effective than getting mad at them for interrupting me or being loud. If I just play with them for a moment, their spirits brighten and they can go on happily for quite awhile. They just need to know that they’re important to me . . . and that I’d put anything aside to be with them. My children are the moments that matter most.

What are the moments that matter most to you?

Enjoy this touching video from “Mormon Messages” – the LDS Youtube Channel. You’ll find a link to more videos like it in the sidebar. My favorite part of the video starts at 2:43, but you have to see the beginning to understand why it’s so special.

-Marzee, your atmchick

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Heavenly Attributes of Fathers

I was asked to speak in church for Father’s Day. This is the talk I wrote and gave.

Something exciting has recently happened in our household . . . . . we welcomed eight baby chicks into our family. My husband often comes home from work and when walking through the door asks, “How are my babies?” – wanting to know how our fluffy little chicks are doing.  Seeing my husband care for these baby chicks has reminded me of the fatherly attributes I so admire in him.

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